2. Toxic people! You don’t want to spend time with toxic people that are going to drain your energy, pull you down, dampen your mood and make you feel worthless, undervalued or unappreciated.
3. Negative self-talk! If you wouldn’t say it to or about your best friend, don’t say it to or about yourself. Putting yourself down is not constructive and holds you back from your potential. It is just as bad as hanging out with toxic people.
4. Bad habits! Any behaviour that is holding you back from your potential, needs to go. That includes bingeing, excessive consumption of anything such as sugar and alcohol, staying in sloth mode, staying up too late, and not scheduling down time.
5. Fear of Failure! This will hold you back from taking chances, trying new things, exploring life and growing as a person. Even if you make a mistake, learn from it and let it help you grow.
6. Saying ‘yes’ to everyone! It is perfectly ok to say ‘no’. Don’t feel compelled to be at people’s beck and call. Learn to set boundaries. Being a ‘yes’ person only leads to resentment, and frustration.
7. Doing everything yourself! Learning to delegate, asking for help, and outsourcing are great ways to free up your time and reduce your stress load. It also gives you the opportunity to have others contribute their expertise, giving ideas that you may not have thought of, or have no experience/knowledge in.
8. Spending hours on social media! It’s a huge time waster and studies show it can impact your mood and mental health. Spend more time on other hobbies and limit social media time to an hour or less per day.
9. Regret! It’s unproductive. Learn from mistakes and look for new opportunities from what may look like missed opportunities. Everything happens for a reason.
10. Jealousy! Rather than being envious of people, learn from them. If they have what you want, then do what they do so you can have it too.