True happiness comes from finding peace and contentedness within yourself. Here are 12 ways you can improve these for yourself and find your happiness.
1. Embrace change instead of fearing it, acknowledging that it is part of the evolution of life. Learn to become more adaptable, looking for the solution in every situation. If you struggle with this, look for courses that will help you improve this skill.
2. Live with love in your heart. Love for yourself as well as for others.
3. Be kind to yourself, do not put undue pressure and expectations on yourself.
4. Look for the good in every person, in every adversity, in your surroundings and in every situation.
5. Be optimistically realistic.
6. End your day with a Gratitude List.
7. Give people compliments at random, and say ‘thank you’ when you receive them.
8. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small they might appear.
9. Recognise your strengths. Yes you have them! It’s time to identify them and acknowledge them.
10. Make time for yourself, by yourself, each and every day.
11. Attend training courses on building resilience.
12. Repeat on a daily basis, “I am worthy!”
– Coach Terri