“Energy out must exceed energy in.” How many times have you heard this statement? I am tired of hearing something that is just not true to the extent it is promoted by many trainers in the health & fitness industry. This depends on what the client’s goals are, their lifestyle, their health, their training regime, gender and age, to name just a few factors. It can be very misleading.
Let’s firstly help you understanding how much food (energy) you need. Everyone has was is called a ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’. That is, how much energy your body requires in a resting state. In other words, how many calories your body requires to perform survival functions such as beating the heart, working the brain, liver, kidneys etc. if you were in a coma. You can determine this using our Body Composition Analysis machine, or through manual calculations. On top of this you need extra energy for extra functions such as taking out the rubbish, walking, cooking, exercising, making love, feeding the dog, teaching a class, blinking…basically any movement regardless of how big or small burns energy.
How much energy you need to survive and move, varies from person to person. In simple terms, the more active you are, the more energy you require. A carpenter for example, will burn a lot more energy than a data entry administrator, therefore they need to consume more energy.
A simple give away of not eating enough is a consistent loss of muscle mass, when exercising. If you are exercising and losing muscle muscle whilst gaining fat, you are not eating enough. Your body is trying to conserve fuel, so will break down tissue for fuel which will consume less fuel to break down, than fat. Loss of muscle mass can then lead to reduced bone density and eventually increase risk of osteoporosis.
It is vital then that you are consuming enough energy for your body’s needs. It’s not just about losing kilos on the scales; where these kilos are coming from is super important.
If you are not sure how much you should be eating, it might be time you consult with one of our coaches on nutrition. There is no point in smashing out your training sessions if you are not fueling your body correctly. You will do more harm than good. You can’t drive to Queensland on one tank of fuel. You can’t run your body without food.
Think about what you eat on a daily basis and how much you move. Are you eating enough?
– Coach Terri