There is more to healthy eating than just the food choices on your plate. In order for your eating to be healthy it needs to be healthy for your body, mind and spirit. Food choices: Opt for fresh food as much as possible (think 80/20 rule) Eat complete meals which includes a serve of protein, a serve of good fats,…
Meal Prep Tips
Meal prep varies from person to person. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another person. In this article I will share with you a few different options that you can try and see what works best for you. Plan Your Week: Get out your schedule and have a look at your week. Consider work, school, extra…
10 Ways to increase your hydration
Adequate hydration is vital for health and fat loss. People often struggle with getting in enough water throughout the day, so here are a few simple tips on ways you can increase your hydration levels, even if you struggle drinking water. Reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a dehydrator. So, you may think you are getting in liquid but in…
Understanding food terms
Free range Organic Commercial Caged Grain Fed Grass Fed Natural Hormone Free RSPCA Approved Let’s take one at a time: Free range A farming method where the animals are free to roam around outdoors for at least part of the day, without being confined in cages or other enclosure 24 hours a day. They therefore have access to sunlight…
The Top 5 Nutrients to Stay on Top of to Improve Your Health, Training Performance & Fat Loss
Nothing is as good as obtaining your nutrients from real food. Unfortunately today our food is not as pure as it once was, nor is our soil as rich in nutrients as it once was. Add to that daily pollutants, a busy schedule, stress and illness, it is very common to have deficiencies in nutrients. Today I will cover the…