Protein Basics: Protein is one of the three macronutrients required by the body. The other 2 being carbohydrates and fats. On average need about 0.8-1g of pure protein per kilo of body weight. Can be as high as 2g per kilo of body weight for very active person, particular if strength training. How much depends on activity, age and gender….
Seven Tips for Better Choices
Here are the things that you can do on a daily basis that can improve your health and fitness without getting completely overwhelmed: Have vegetables at every single meal. Have vegetables with every single meal. It doesn’t matter what vegetable at this point, it’s just about creating good habits and getting used to eating vegetables. That includes your breakfast….
Eating Processed Food
Risks of eating processed food Risk of nutrient deficiencies. When you’re eating fresh food obviously obtaining natural vitamins and minerals from the food sources. When you’re eating processed foods a lot of those foods would not have nutrients in them. So they won’t have the vitamins and minerals that you need. Even if they do have the vitamins and minerals…
5 Reasons You’re Craving Sugar
1. Addicted: Problem: If you have been having sugar throughout your day every day for a long period of time (every day for over a week), it will cause an addiction Sugar makes the brain react the same way it would with anything that makes you feel good, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. It triggers the Opioid receptors in…
Simple Strategies on Improving Nutrition
How to Build Your Healthy Plate There 3 Sorts of ‘Macros’: Protein Builds and repairs all cells in the body Required in every meal Fat Provides energy Synthesizes hormones Aids in brain function Activates fat soluble vitamins and much more Required in every meal Carbohydrate Provides energy, vitamins, minerals and fibre *Non-starchy required in every meal, starchy only post training…