Actions speak louder than words! Often people say they want to achieve something, but never actually perform any actions that reflect any truth in their desired success. They may appear to be working towards their goal, they think they are working towards their goal, but do not actually take the time to perform the right actions for success. So their goal remains a dream and they feel like at best like they are never going to get there, or at worst, they fell like a failure.
Consider someone who wants to buy a house; they look through endless listings of houses for sale, they pour over house designs and watch renovations shows, but never put money away in savings to actually make it happen.
Or someone who says they want a new job; they have jazzed up their resume and put up a status on their social media asking if anyone needs a worker but never goes through job ads or visits work sites to apply.
Or even someone who says they want to lose weight; they buy a ton of active wear and look shmick, participate in a number of exercise activities but refuses to consider making changes to their eating habits.
All of these people are taking small steps to head in the right direction, but the steps are nowhere near the commitment they need to follow through with their goals, so those goals remain dreams.
When working towards goals, you need to look at all the things you need to be dedicated to, in order to achieve that goal, and perform actions in all areas to maximize your chances of success. Picking and choosing the easiest things, or simplest things, or the most fun parts, is not going to get you far. The biggest success usually comes from the things that are the hardest, most time consuming, the ones that take the longest time or are the most complex, that bring the biggest success and satisfaction. If it wasn’t that hard, everyone would do it! Half hearted effort brings half hearted results. The ultimate goal then remains nothing but a dream.
So reflect on your goal and see whether you are doing everything it takes to achieve it, or are you just dreaming about it?
If you need help with creating a roadmap to success, speak to one of our coaches to book in a one on one consult, and help turn your dream into a true goal.
- Coach Terri