There are twelve Bio-Feedbacks that dictate how well you are going to look and feel. If you can improve these 12 elements, you will look and feel sensational!
NB: 12 for females, 11 for males
1. Sleep – Aim for 7-8 hours of good quality sleep each night. Sleep dictates how all of the other Bio-Feedbacks will progress or regress.
2. Digestion – How well you digest will dictate how many nutrients your body is absorbing, how much muscle you build, how much fat your burn, how your feel, your mood and hormone production. If you are suffering bloating, reflux, heart burn, burping, gas, stomach gurgling or stomach cramps, on a regular basis, you need to get on top of what is causing you to feel these symptoms. These are usually caused by eating something you are sensitive to. To help you improve this, consider booking Personalised Nutrition Coaching with one of our coaches.
3. Energy Levels – You should wake feeling refreshed and energized each day and not pitter off in energy until the evening after dinner. If this is not the case for you, you will need to review your nutrition, hydration, sleep and stress management. These all impact your energy levels.
4. Mood – If you find yourself grump or snappy with no real reason, you suffering from an imbalance in your serotonin (happy hormone) and cortisol (stress hormone). These are influenced by the same factors as your energy levels. Focus on improving these areas and it will have a huge positive domino effect on your body.
5. Nutrition – The more sugar. trans-fats and processed food you consume, the worse your nutrition is. If you are skipping meals, binging, night snacking or constantly having cravings, understand this is all because your diet needs improving. This Bio-Feedback is the Godfather of all the other Bio-Feedbacks and rules your body in every single aspect!
6. Bowel Movement – The ideal bowel movement is passing your bowels at least once per day, no more than three. Your stool should be firm but not hard, not smelly and easy to pass. If it does not meet these criterion, you may consider looking at how you can improve your nutrition and hydration. After all, stools are direct by-products of what you consume.
7. Libido – As you get older libido does generally starts to reduce a little compared to the younger years. However it shouldn’t disappear altogether. If you find yourself making all sorts of excuses to avoid the topic then you need to review your nutrition, hydration and sleep.
8. Menstrual Cycle – Any issues with your menstrual cycle, including things such as endometriosis, and PCOS, are a direct reflection of your lifestyle. The pill, the implanon, and other hormone altering contraception, are just that; contraception. They do repair your menstrual cycle in any way shape or form; they simply mask the symptoms. Your body shows you symptoms to show you, you need to change your lifestyle as it is not healthy for you. Failing to listen to your body’s symptoms and masking these is simply avoiding the problem.
9. Stress Levels – We can’t always control the amount of stress we have in our lives. We can however manage how we can handle it and how to calm our body and mind. The better your nutrition and sleep, the better you cope with stress. Think about how stressed you feel when you have had no sleep. Participating in activities that trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (the system that tells your body to relax), helps reduce the stress effects on your body. Activities such as walking in sunshine, reading fiction, arts & crafts, meditation, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, gardening anything that helps you relax.
10. Appetite – If you are constantly hungry or never hungry, your body is screaming at you to pay attention to the fact that your lifestyle is slowly killing you. Again, nutrition, sleep and hydration are major influences here, as is activity levels.
11. Exercise – The more active you are the better your overall health. There are over 100 different benefits to being active. This could be collecting at least 10,000 steps per day, participating in prescribed exercise, gardening, anything that helps you move!
12. Water – You have seen from all of the above, how powerful water is in helping you feel and ultimately, look, better. Ensure you get adequate hydration (at least 2 litres per day) to help your body work optimally.
– Coach Terri