You want to get fit and healthy, get lean and feel great. You sign up for a program to help you. Your motivation is through the roof. You’ve got this! You are so excited, finally it’s going to happen for you! Or is it?
You start the program and are going great guns. You start seeing results and are feeling amazing. Your friends and family are starting to notice the changes and comment on how great you are looking. You are meal prepping, researching recipes, following your plan to the T. Training rocks, you feel pumped, loving the sweat, the burn, the soreness the next day.
A few weeks in you start getting sidetracked. Work gets extra busy, the kids have things on, your partner needs your attention, you are struggling to balance things. You miss a training session here, you miss one there and suddenly you are struggling to find the time to turn up to training at all, and to be perfectly frank, you aren’t in the mood anyway. You forget to defrost your fish, you need to go grocery shopping cos the fridge is empty and it’s just easier to make a couple of pieces of toast and be done with it.
A week goes by, two weeks, three weeks, and suddenly you are right back where you started, with all your hard work down the gurgler. You give up and start struggling with the day to day again.
What happened to all that motivation? How do you stay motivated? Why does it work for so many others, but you just can’t seem to stay on track. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ you wonder. If only you could keep your motivation going.
You can! Terri Batsakis, founder of Terrific Fitness, empowers you with strategies to conquer your mindset and reach your full potential. Terri believes everyone should feel amazing and confident.
In this face to face workshop you will learn strategies to help you shift your mindset so you feel more inspired, more motivated & more confident, so you can finally reach your full potential.
You will learn how to identify your core values in life, not the values you think you hold, but the ones true to your heart and mind that dictate what you do each and every day of your life, subconsciously. Your Core Values call the shots, not you. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you think you want, if it is not in line with your subconscious core values, you will never achieve it.
You often think you value something and find that no matter how hard you try, you can’t achieve it because you keep self-sabotaging or some obstacle keeps standing in your way. This is because what you think is a valuable for you may not actually be, on a subconscious level.
Terri will help you identify your true core values and teach you how to chase your goals whilst keeping in line with those core values. This is what will finally help you achieve those health and fitness goals you have longed for, for so long, without self-sabotaging or letting obstacles stand in your way.
You will learn the importance of self-love and how the lack of it can really hold you back from what you are trying to achieve. The lack of self-love also prevents you from truly loving another person and from truly being loved. It is vital to establish self-love and self-worth if you are going to move forward.
Self love may be completely foreign to you. This may be because of your perception of yourself, people around you and people out in the world whether it be in a shopping centre, park, social media or marketing campaigns. By shifting this perception you can learn how to love yourself, and others, and learn to give others permission to love you in return.
To do so, you need to go through the 5 Step Change Process which will help you identify and overcome roadblocks and objections. This will in learn teach you how to be proactive in your quest rather than reactive. When you react you are counter productive and hinder success. When you are proactive, you create success.
No doubt at some point in your journey you have sabotaged yourself, often more than once. You have no idea why you do it, you just keep doing it and you don’t know how to stop yourself. You so want this, so bad, but you just keep stuffing yourself up.
Self-sabotage will become a thing of the past once you understand why you do it and learn the strategies to stop yourself from self-sabotaging your goals. It is a skill, to be able to live in line with your core values, filled with love and patience to be proactively moving forward from one step to the next without sabotaging yourself. All skills can be learned through practice.
Especially once you know what you do and don’t have direct influence over. You may be concerned about things that you have no influence over what so ever and so keep sabotaging yourself as a result. Establishing your Circle of Influence will give you the power to be able to live your life in control. Once you have control, you can set your goals with clear direction and strategies.
Think about baking a cake.
You look at a recipe book and find a picture of a cake that looks absolutely delicious. It looks beautifully light and fluffy, triple layer of chocolate, cream on top with extra chocolate chips on the top. Imagine trying to make that cake without the recipe. What would happen? It might turn out dense and flat, tasteless, with curdled cream and chocolate chips that sink through the bottom. A total disaster. If only you had a plan, recipe, a goal on how to make that cake! The same goes for anything you strive for in life. In order for it to be as amazing as that triple layer chocolate cake, you need a plan.
As you read this, think about the 2 most important things to you right now, in relation to your health and fitness. It might be a health condition, it might be your weight, it might be your appearance, whatever. Whatever it is that is important to you that you want to improve.
Think about WHY this is so important to you.
Jot down anything that comes to mind and bring them with you because you will need those in the workshop.
As you start to conquer your mindset, shift your perception, and start living in line with your true core values, you will start to feel like you finally have control over your life. You will have structure, tasks to tick off each day and ways to measure how you are traveling. You will be proactive not reactive and you will work within your circle of influence. You will be the master of success and self-sabotage will be a thing of the past. You will overcome your roadblocks and you will finally achieve your results.
Like making the triple chocolate cake, you will know what ingredients you need, the quantities, the order in which to add each one. Once you have made that cake 100 times, you won’t need the recipe anymore. You will just know how to make it. And as you execute your strategies for your health and fitness each and every day you will turn those strategies into daily habits and daily habits become a lifestyle. You will live a healthier, happier and more confident life because you will have conquered your mindset.
- Self love, and how to achieve it
- Your core values
- Perception versus reality
- The 5 Step Change Process
- Explore roadblocks & objections and implement strategies to overcome them
- Learn how to be proactive rather than reactive
- Combat Self-Sabotage
- Establish your Circle of Influence and learn how to use it as a powerful tool for inner peace
- Re-define your goals
- Your strategies for success
““This workshop will shift the way you think. The mind is a beautiful thing, and it’s time it worked in your favor. At the end of the day you will walk out of the door, feeling more empowered, more inspired, more motivated and more confident. This is a life changing event! So much so, I put my money where my mouth is. If you walk out at the end of the day and feel you have wasted your time, I will give you a 100% refund! So you have nothing to lose, and so much to gain!”
– Terri Batsakis (Founder of Terrific Fitness)
Your presenter Terri Batsakis is the founder of Terrific Fitness. Terri became a Personal Trainer to save her own life. Losing over 35kg, and overcoming a number of health issues, including Spinal Fusion in her neck and cancerous tumors on her ovaries, among many other things. She has learned how to overcome adversity, how to be inspired with her life every single day, how to be more motivated, how to be more confident, how to love her life and live life to the fullest; and now Terri teaches others how they too can be free.
A Certified Wellness Coach with extensive public speaking experience, Terri has conducted training courses and public speaking her entire working life in various areas from the Public Service, Corporate, Health & Fitness and Well Being. Terri is also an author having written a number of downloadable books and a physical book, “Unleash the Best Version of You”.
Workshop Details:
When – Saturday the 20th May 2023
Time – 8:45am to 5:30pm (Doors open 8:30am)
Where – 2/5 Danaher Drive, South Morang 3752
Non-Member: $247.00 Early Bird $197.00
Member:$197.00 Early Bird $147.00
**Attend our ‘Food for Health & Weight Loss Workshop‘ as well, on the 3rd of June and get $50 voucher to spend on any product or service!
*Early Bird expires 12th May 2023
Here are what other attendees had to say…
“It is 100% worth investing the time into the course and into yourself. I also recommend attending more than once. I found I got more out of the course the second time. I achieved some goals.” – Christine Griffett
“Do it! It save my life (quite literally). You will walk out feeling empowered and ready to tackle the world head on.” – Danni Toull
“Would highly recommend to anyone, not just for healthy and fitness lessons but life lessons” – Rob Trivett
“This will change you forever and give you the power to achieve!” – Viki Trampevski
“Full of inspiring information, life changing. A great stepping stone to being a better you.” – Steph