Directly from your smart watch, smart phone or tablet!

Sign up NOW and get the first month half price!

Terrific Fitness has developed an online training system that enables you to train from the comfort of your own home.

Your goals to look and feel better aren't going away just because we are in a world wide crisis. You may want to get lean, strong and fit but are struggling because these uncertain times are making it so difficult to achieve.

How do you get to a gym when we are locked in and out of our homes?

How can you stay consistent when your mental and emotional state is in a whirlwind with everything going on?

Even without this world wide problem, you may struggle to get to a gym because you are time poor, or have little ones at home that you can't get looked after.

Perhaps you love going to the gym, but get caught at work or with some responsibility sometimes that sees you missing a session, so you would love to catch up on that session at home.

Or maybe you just don't like gyms. Maybe they make you feel uncomfortable and although you really want to change how you look and feel, you are struggling because you don't know where to start and entering a gym makes your heart race and cripples you with inaction.

All of these reasons are why we developed our new Online Training System.

We understand that times are changing so we need to evolve with the changes. Face to face coaching just doesn't fit in with everybody. People are working more from home more and learning from home more. So it's only natural that we bring you at home coaching.

Our Online Training System brings your coach home to you.

Now you can get lean, get strong, get fit, boost your energy, improve your health and your mood from the comfort of your own home! Even if you don't have any equipment, and even if you have never trained before in your life!

Register NOW and get

50% OFF the first 30 days!

Do you want results like these? Book Now


Your Online Training System:

  • With our 2-way messaging system, you will have access to your very own coach that  you can ask question, share wins and be provided with support.
  • Though you are at home, you will never be alone, with our live online community forum that you can access direct for your Training App. Your community support is right at your finger tips!
  • You will also gain access to our Facebook members only group for even more support!
  • We teach you how perform the exercises with over 700 instruction videos created by our very own coaches, so you can perfect the technique and prevent injuries. Watch the instruction videos right from your smart phone, iPad or tablet by downloading our Training App.
  • You will never be bored with your workouts because you will have over a dozen different workouts to choose from each week. Choose what you love and what is right for your fitness level.
  • What do you want to achieve? Set your goals up in your Training App so you can track your progress on how close you are to achieving your goal.
  • You can track your progress right from your Training App because you will be able to upload your photos, measurements, weight, and more. Your app will also track your training programs and notify you when you have achieved a personal best, completed milestone workouts and reward you with achievement badges to keep you motivated. Compete with yourself; the harder you work, the more you get rewarded.
  • If you have a smart watch like Fitbit, Apple watch etc. you can sync this with your Training App to track ever more of your metrics! The more you track, the more you can measure. The more you can measure, the more you can manage. The more you can manage, the greater your health and fitness goals!
  • Want to track your calories? You can do that too, simply by syncing My Fitness Pal to your Training App.

  • We understand that improving how you look and feel, is not just about exercise. Your nutrition, mindset and lifestyle also play a huge part! That's why, as part of your package, we include access to our online Member's Portal that includes everything you need to support you these areas too! Yes, that includes recipes!
  • We want to set you up for success! That's why we will throw in a bunch of extra free bonuses! Check out the extra free bonuses below.

    Terrific Fitness Founder, Terri Batsakis

    Everybody deserves to look and feel amazing! Becoming a Personal Trainer, my mission was to change the world one person at a time, to a healthier more active world. This is still my mission.

    My staff and I work extensively at helping people both face to face and online, unleash the best version of themselves.

    We take a holistic approach to helping you get lean, build muscle, get fit and get healthy so you can enjoy life again, in your own skin. Life is too short, it's time to start putting your own health first for once. Your time to shine, is now!

    Go on, what are you waiting for?

    Register Now & Save!

    Register now and get 50% OFF your first 30 days!!!


    Our 100% Proven Success System


    Click on 'Book Now' to register your account.

    Here you complete your consultation form providing as much information as you possibly can on your health, medication, any injuries or physical restrictions, dietary requirements, lifestyle factors and more.

    Upload your profile photo and your progress photos. Enter your starting  weight, activity level and goals.

    Access your member's only education portal.


    Connect your smart watch to track your activity stats such as your steps and heart rate, connect My Fitness Pal to track your meals.

    The more you connect, the better you can track your progress.

    Connect with our online community and get involved in the live virtual chat forum.

    Nobody ever succeeded alone, so we will connect you with the rest of our online training community, as well as the members only Facebook group where you can further connect with our community.

    STEP 3: Your Training

    Once you have completed setting up your profile and connecting all your apps you are ready to start training. 

    Simply download the app and log in. You will be taken to the Dashboard where you will be able to see your daily and up and coming workouts, your community group, a summary of all of your statistics and achievements.

    Click on plans to scroll through all available training plans. View workouts in the training calendar.

    Click on 'more' to view a summary of completed workouts, total cardio activities and all your connected apps.

    Unleash the Best Version of You

    We create long lasting results from the comfort of your own home!

    Collectively our coaches have over 25 years experience in the health and fitness industry.

    We can bring you results under any conditions, whether it be face to face or virtually.

    What better way is there to stay active during isolation, keep some sanity, bond with your family and together improve your health for optimal immune function!

    Long lasting results

    Yes, you can still get serious results training from home!

    Could you be our next success story?

    "Before TF I was not very confident and to be honest I don’t even think I liked myself very much.  One year on, I am very different from the person who started. I am happier, healthier, stronger and have more confidence, I like myself more and am not afraid of the mirror. So if you are thinking about joining TF, don’t think about it, make the choice to join. I am sure like me, you won’t regret it. Everyone is very nice and the staff are helpful and knowledgeable.”

    – Effie Korakas, Mill Park

    "Stop thinking DO IT! Call today don’t wait, my only regret is that I wished I signed up again sooner! I’m afraid of gyms, they make me feel so paranoid and judged but this is not like that at all; it feels so much more personal, the staff are so friendly and supportive.”

    – Zainab Daoud, Watsonia North

    Why Train with Terrific Fitness


    Terrific Fitness

    Other Online Training

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    Online Consultation Assessment:

    Complete Consultation Form

    None, or Limited Assessments. You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

    training icon 1

    Online Training:

    Train from the safety of your own home with our training app that gives you a PT in your pocket, with full accountability, track progress, live community forum, daily workouts, coach support.

    Live workouts only, with no accountability, no ability to track progress, no community engagement and no coach support.

    training icon 9


    Education platform to help you improve your nutrition for long lasting results.

    Cut and paste generic meal plans that do not give you long lasting results.

    training icon 7

    Suitable for all Fitness Levels:

    Ability to select workouts suitable to your fitness level and regress or progress workouts.

    Generic 'one size fits all' type training workouts.

    training icon 2

    Track Your Progress:

    Track your reps, set and time in your workouts so that you can track your progress. Rate the difficulty of the workout so your coach can keep challenging you.

    No ability to track progress so your progress often stagnates or plateaus.

    training icon 3

    Access to your Online Coach:

    Contact your coach whenever you need, have a question or want to share a win.

    No coach support. You left to your own devices.

    Terrific Fitness

    Other Personal Training Facilities

    Extensive Assessments:

    We cover a variety of assessments including health evaluation, bio-feedback assessment, nutrition analysis, body composition analysis, postural analysis and structural balance assessment. Together all of this information helps us take a holistic approach to your success.

    None, or Limited Assessments. You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

    Personalized Programming:

    All training programs are tailored specifically to your needs. There is no ‘one size fits all’, no generic programs and there are no cut and paste programs. Personalized programs give your personalized results.

    ‘One size fits all’ programming which do not meet your individual needs, as they do not take into account your strengths, weaknesses, fitness level or progress.

    Personalized Nutrition Planning:

    Your nutrition is tailored specifically to your body’s needs taking into account, your goals, likes, dislikes, culture & religion, allergies, intolerances, preferences, and lifestyle. When you eat food that nourishes your mind, body and soul, it becomes a lifestyle that sets you up for long lasting sustainable success.

    Generic meal plans that do not give you long term sustainable results.

    Holistic Approach:

    Becoming a better version of yourself doesn’t happen with just food and exercise. Growth is required in your mindset and lifestyle. That’s why we take a holistic approach to optimize your results.

    Focus on just exercise and possibly nutrition without factoring in any other factors in life that could be hindering progress.

    Progress Development:

    Every phase of training is carefully constructed to meet your needs at the time. As your mobility, strength and fitness develop, so too does your training progress. Each phase is progressed to keep you improving without becoming stagnant or plateauing.

    No progression so progress stagnates or plateaus.

    100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:

    If after your third session you are not 100% satisfied with the service you receive you can cancel your package and received 100% refund.

    No Guarantee

    Your time to shine is now!

    If you are still reading it means there is something in your heart that you really want to achieve. Stop letting your skepticism, self-talk, insecurities, fear or anxiety hold you back. It is time to stop wishing and start making it happen. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be who you want to be. You deserve to do what you want to do. You deserve to focus on you for a change. You deserve to let your heart sing.

    After all, why not you?!

    Stop hesitating. Stop procrastinating. Click on ‘Book Now’ , to register and Unleash the Best Version of You!

    Want to have a chat before you sign up? Complete the form below or by calling 9404 1494

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


    Consult your healthcare professional before beginning any diet or fitness regime.
    Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are required to achieve and maintain weight loss.
    When registering for Online Training you acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in this activity that you do so at your own risk.
    You recognize the difficulties associated with the activity and attest you are physically fit to participate safely in the activity and that a qualified medical practitioner has not advised you otherwise.

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