A massive congratulations to Client X who has been working with Coach Emilia for the last few months with Nutrition Coaching as well as committing to training. Client x has lost just under 13kg, 3 levels of visceral fat (the dangerous fat around the organs), and has improved her hydration by 3.6% she has also dropped 14cm around her waist and 12cm from her hips. To say I am proud of Client X is an understatement!! Congratulations hun you have done an absolutely amazing job! Congratulations!!!!
Here is Client X’s story in her words:
“How I came to know about TF was through Facebook. I’d been wanting to join for about a year but was scared and shy to join. Until I made the phone call during first lockdown. ???? Best thing I did was to make the phone call and then come through the gym when it opened.
I joined because I’m wanting to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. I’m wanting to tone up. Also be a role model for my kids so we can have fun together. Especially during iso one we kept baking it was fun but not in the mirror.
I have been loving the nutrition bootcamp it has taught me a lot. Loved all the zoom classes during iso. Kids were joining in too. I’m feeling much better when eating right and feeling great after the training sessions.
I have lost 12kgs and feeling good about myself. I successfully completed bootcamp and am now drinking more water.
I have challenged myself by keeping up with 10000 steps a day. I continue to food prep I was completing 5 days training during iso. I was able to have fun with kids during crazy time as was feeling fantastic during iso.
I’m feeling better love seeing that I’m not as swollen in the mirror and I’m feeling better inside and out. I still have more to do but at least it’s a start. ????
Thanks to coach Emilia I listened and have learned a lot about nutrition. Loving training; it’s been so much fun now back in the gym as I had only completed 2 sessions in the gym then lockdown hit again and was able to train at home. Keeps me busy and feeling great.” – Client X