*Janet joined us in August 2013 having just had her 2nd child. She was a very reserved, quiet young woman who was severely lacking in confidence. She was not a large girl by any means, but she was carrying excess, post-partum weight, which you could tell was bringing her down.
Pregnancy tends to strengthen the body in so many ways, but at the same time, weaken it in so many others, such as muscularity. Janet’s strength was extremely poor when she joined us; after all, bubs was only 6 weeks old. For example, Janet struggled with push-ups even against the wall, since she had not really used her upper body or core strength for such a long time. She could almost manage 1 push up on the floor, just barely. During the sit ups test, she managed only a couple.
Fast forward 6 weeks to the end of her first Circuit round, She was completing 40+ push-ups on her toes, on the floor! She was smashing out sit ups left right and center, and had already dropped quite a lot of centimeters. Mind you, she was only training 2 times per week.
Fast forward to the present, Janet is the ‘Magical Shrinking Lady’, looking sensational!! She is extremely strong and is achieving remarkable goals in her fitness, having recently completed the 15km Run For The Kids Charity Event , pushing a stroller with a baby in it!!!
I can’t even begin to tell you how proud of Janet I am, and everything that she has achieved. The thing that makes me smile more than anything, is the confidence she has now. Janet has a crazy vibrant smile that lights up the room and is an absolute star in training! All this, and she is only with us 1 day a week. She is now confident enough to tackle her own things, without needing a Trainer there to push her. She is now fully empowered and independent. And that, is what TF is all about; she has certainly Unleashed the Better Version of Herself!!!
I could possibly tell you how proud of Janet I am! When I saw her participate in Run For the Kids, I was in tears of joy for her. And when I noticed she was in a TF singlet during her run, I felt proud to be part of her journey. Janet, you are a machine! And I love what an amazing role model you have become for your girls. I love that your little munchkin does better Burpees than me!
Let’s hear from Janet:
“6 weeks before I started training I had a beautiful little baby. I had no confidence in my body. I had still had a stack of “baby weight”. My body was exhausted from the pregnancy and lack of sleep. I was eating a block of chocolate a day, 3 sugars in my coffee, coke was my best friend & so was cake and I smoked, a lot. I could barely lift myself off the couch. I was a size 12-14 & 68 kgs, which I know is not huge but it wasn’t me. I wasn’t comfortable with myself.
About 5 weeks after I had my daughter I was finding it very hard to take care of a 3 year old and a newborn, I knew something had to change and it was the way I was living.
I wanted to join group fitness and I remembered someone I knew used to train with Terrific Fitness and she lost a lot of weight I thought they must know what they are talking about and went online and downloaded a form.
I started off 2 classes a week and I now do 1 circuit a week.
Slowly week by week I started eating better, I cut out sugar,, bread, pasta, gluten, softdrink. I eat dinner for breakfast; I drink water by the litre. I changed what I cook my food in. And once I found out that bacon was a must have, I eat it everyday and my kids do as well.My husband has got on board to support me and eats the way I eat. We just eat good fresh food.
I started in August 2013, 9 months ago. now I can run, I can walk kilometres, instead of only metres, I can do push-ups and I can JUMP something I haven’t been able to do without wetting my pants for years (too much information?!) I can say ‘no’ confidently to things. I have learned priceless information on fitness and nutrition. I get off the couch and spend time doing things with my family. I did a 15km run whilst pushing a baby in a pram! Who does that!? Me!!!
I love myself! I love they person that I have become. I’m now a size 8-10. I have lost 10kgs & 42 cms overall & I am strong mentally and physically. Losing cms is more important to me, but I set a goal to weigh 60kg. And I did that in December. Since then I dropped another 3kgs and I am astounded, I have not been this light since I was 14.
I get off the couch because of the atmosphere & empowerment that Terri & all the trainers give me. They know I have more to give and they push me. And I love it. They make me proud of myself.
If you’re looking to lose weight, they are great, but they are more than that, we share triumphs and battles. They are people that I look up too and they motivate me and keep me accountable. Not just the trainers but all the others members who attend. I was the best decision I have made for my health.” – Janet Lawson