Today we celebrate Karen Thompson!
Karen Thompson has been a client on and off with TF for a number of years. However it was not until Covid hit last year that Karen really took control and turned her life around.
The first lockdown saw Kazz spiral backward hard. Kazz works in the general office of a school. Not being able to go in and see all her colleagues and all the children really took its toll on her, like so many thousands of other people.
However, in June 2020, Karen had enough. She was sick and sick of being sick and tired! So she took all the information she had learned over the years, together with the new information she was learning in our fortnightly live Nutrition Info sessions, took back control of her life.
Lockdown 1 finished, lockdown 2 came and went. Kazz continued on her new journey. Consistency, perseverance, and resilience took control. She was not going to go back no matter what.
The shift in her mindset has been absolutely mind-blowing! No more excuses, no more looking for options. Nope, Karen has made a lifestyle change. No quick diets and quick challenge fixes. Nope, she has taken everything she has learned from the TF coaches and created a new lifestyle that works for her. She makes healthier food choices, moves more and still includes fun food and fun times. It’s about finding her balance.
Karen is a mum of 2 very active teenagers, that do a zillion extra-curricular activities, is married and works full time. So she certainly has her hands full. She is a walking example of ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’!
Today, Kazz trains 3 times a week in the TF studio doing group classes, and once at home using our training app. She walks and loves having more energy and feeling so much better. She has lost 13kg and counting!
You’ve been through a lot over the years; it’s so heart warming to see you take it all in your stride and turn your life around. You have succeeded, despite life’s challenges; and there certainly have been, and still are, quite a few!
Kazz, I am beyond proud of you! You are an absolute rock-star!!! I am so honored to be one of your coaches. A true inspiration to everyone out there! Thank you for letting us travel your journey with you. Love you loads!
- Coach Terri