Sara has been a valuable member of Terrific Fitness since 2013. In this time I have seen Sara transform in so many ways! Initially it started with her physical abilities, strength, fitness and coordination. As time went on the mindset started to shift.
People travel at different rates. As coaches, it is our job to be there for them as they travel, supporting them and giving them what they need, when they are ready to receive.
As time went on Sara was ready to receive more and more. 2020 was a key turning point for Sara. It started when she reached out to me about her sore knees. I helped her with some mobility exercises to help her release some tension. Since then, her training reached a whole new level. Then she had a chat with Coach Danni and things really started to move. I’ll let Danni tell you what happened next, below.
Sara, you are an incredible woman! Your transformation goes beyond the aesthetic, which is awesome! Your movement, coordination, mindset, outlook, the whole kit and kaboodle! A true butterfly story! I am so friggen proud of you babe! Keep up the amazing work!
- Coach Terri
I’ve been watching Sara’s transformation starting to unfold in the past 12 months. In lockdown last year, Sara and I had a phone catch up to try and put some strategies in place to take charge of her health and fitness. After some quick and simple suggestions, Sara went on to participate in nutrition counselling with Coach Emilia. That’s where I began to notice the changes really starting to happen. Sara’s mobility was visibility better and you could begin to see the enjoyment in Sara’s face when training. Sara takes on every bit of information the coaches throw at her and runs with it. Sara’s mindset has switched, and it is written all over her face. I am SO proud of the hard work that Sara has put in for herself and know first-hand how difficult it was at some moments. But her determination and discipline got her through those tough times.
– Coach Danni
Here is Sara’s story in her words:
“I’ve always struggled with my weight on and off since about the age of 15. This is despite being fairly active training and playing bocce, tennis and dancing. I recall the relief on dancing days when the teacher allowed us to practice wearing a t-shirt over our leotards because I was so conscious about my pear-shaped body – chunky thighs and bum.
My mother has also faced weight challenges all her life and even though I grew up in an Italian family surrounded by carbs her cooking was always considerate, measured and armed with awareness.
My peak weights over the last 15 years have been 75kg and 80kg having lost 10+ kg’s with weight watchers and was then fairly content at 65kg.
Fast forward to 2011 , I had a fantastic pregnancy. Only a 7kg weight gain despite eating almost whatever I wanted. My body changed shape and was slimmer in all the places I desired.
The day after I gave birth, I actually weighed the same as when I found out I was pregnant. I was grateful.
I then only managed to produce breast milk for 6 months, but I continued to eat like I was pregnant and breast feeding. However, I was no longer burning the calories at the same rate and weight gain was slow but consistent and my mindset was not adjusting at all. It’s something I’ve noted throughout all the years of my weight gain. Complacency. I’ve also always struggled to drink adequate amount of water daily.
I therefore joined TF after seeing an add on FB thinking exercise alone would solve my weight issues.
I’ve learnt a lot since that day and for the most part, my challenges have been addressed.
It did take a very long time to get there though.
It took me years! For a period of time, I gave up. Stresses regarding my mother’s health saw weight gain then our 2020 lockdown saw further gain. Training became about strength for it was something that my neurologist recommended.
The shift was almost instant but maintaining it was hard and constant work. The real desire was present and seeing results kept me on track to keep motivated and focused.
Terrific Fitness offered a huge range of opportunities to address my challenges and difficulties. This has been one the key aspects to how I have addressed them.
I had made a choice that I no longer wanted to feel the way I was feeling regarding my weight. I wanted to give TF support a go. Coach Danni gave me the well needed push towards nutrition counselling with Coach Emilia, and that Is exactly what I did. Putting my foot forward and starting my nutrition counselling was the push I needed to make some serious changes. Since then, I have lost 7kgs. I have maintained the weight loss. I have made healthier food choices daily. I have increased my water intake and have managed to maintain it. I have managed to stick to a gluten free diet. I am surrounded by people who support my changes and my goals.
My mobility has strengthened greatly, which has helped me in a lot of areas in my life. It’s helped me with participation in training with being able to do more exercises, increased activity and most importantly with my MS.
My confidence has improved in regard to my appearance and my training. Yay!
I’m looking forward to progressing to the point where I can be in a frame of mind to lose another 5kgs to be closer to my pre-baby weight – Because I know I can do it.
What do I love about Terrific Fitness?
I love that I finally found strength to reach out for help as opposed to continuing to drown.
I love that I can change, I can move forward and succeed.
I love that I have increased confidence with my appearance and training capabilities.
I love that I am educated, equipped and informed with the strategies I need to continue to succeed with food and weight challenges.
I love that I’m part of a community that makes available so many opportunities for people to face their challenges and succeed!”- Sara Faccini Gatto