Today we celebrate Sonia Reid.
Sonia joined Terrific Fitness in our 28 Day Kick Start Challenge in Feb 2022. From day one, Sonia participated in a number of our classes, however she was quite reserved. She would shy away from her own capabilities even when encouraged from us coaches on the sideline. That soon changes.
A childhood injury saw Sonia restricted on many movements, not being able to utilise her arm to its full capacity. Some exercises just wouldn’t work for her. Sonia soon learnt that, as Movement Reconstruction Coaches, we are quick to modify or present alternative exercises to accommodate any injuries or restrictions, meaning Sonia is always able to get a great workout, even if it is with a different exercise.
Since joining TF, Sonia has pushed her body physically and mentally to hit the goals she strives for. Sonia has broken out of her shell and the quiet shy lady on the floor is no more! Sonia is stronger, trusting us to push her to her potential, and now believes in her own body’s capability as well.
Physically this superhuman woman has done a complete 360 on her weights and now constantly challenges herself to push heavier, to add that extra weight plate or to lift the heavier dumbbell!
Sonia strives to put her health and fitness first to be the best version of herself for not just herself but her family as well. Sonia trains as often as possible, with her boys hanging out in our FREE kids’ room while Mum gets the job done.
Sonia has implement changes to her nutrition to complement her training and in our most recent BCA (Body Composition Analysis) reviews Sonia dropped a total of 9cm around her waist and 10cm around her hips! Sensational results from this very determined woman!!!
- Coach Jamie
Here is Sonia’s Story in her words:
“I joined TF because I decided it was time to get stronger after losing weight and feeling more confident. I also wanted to improve my mental health and have more energy to keep up with my kids. I decided on TF because they offered group sessions with PTs that ran them so I knew someone could correct technique and make me work harder.
The fun atmosphere keeps me here, seeing results and feeling that my strength is improving.
I’ve become stronger and gained more confidence within myself I feel comfortable with who I am now.
Due to an injury acquired as a kid I have been unable to use my left arm to its full extent. Being able to strengthen that arm has allowed me to do more things with it and lift higher weights.
I love the fact I’m stronger than I was before. I can do much more now than I could do previously. I can actually carry shopping bags in my left are from my car to inside the house now. Previously I could only grab a few items in that arm and that was the extent of it. Now I’m carrying four bags in that arm at one time.
I try to make sure I train about 7-9 times a week I love all the different groups you can join and how enjoyable it is. I eat very healthy, all veggies fruit and meat and make sure I have breakfast no matter what, which is something I wasn’t doing beforehand. I have a gluten intolerance so I don’t eat pasta and breads and I’m also lactose intolerant, so I drink almond milk.” – Sonia Reid