This week’s transformation story is about the awesome Jessica Parris. Jessica has been with Coach Steve as a Personal Training and a Nutrition Counsel client since mid-2021. Through lockdowns and face to face, Jessica has come a long way in changing her habits and establishing a lifestyle that has become second nature and requires little stress and effort now to maintain. The dilemmas of being enticed by sweets and party food don’t bother her as much. And to see her progress in the preparation of her food as she daily accounts her preparations is a delight to see because it shows the dedication to making something work.
We’ve covered Jessica’s story once before approximately 8 months ago as her venture into new habits was taking shape and she had great success before an overseas trip. It actually drew some attention from her family and friends as they noticed her achievements in how the body and energy had changed. Since then, she has been inspired to carry on the success story and continue through informed guidance and patient application and accountability to herself as well as her coach.
Here’s a list of habits that have changed in the last 8 to 12 months:
- Cut out snacking between meals and structured the meals proportionately to her eating plan and activity (training days and non-training days)
- Much less treat or fun foods throughout the week (only once a week or on special occasions).
- Reduced alcohol consumption, reserving it for special occasions.
- Recognizes the importance of exercise and how it affects her food and energy.
- Being more knowledgeable with her food means she doesn’t have that dilemma of what is good and what is bad and knows what better alternatives to choose.
Through these habits, she has achieved the following results in her measurements:
- Dropped 6% body fat.
- Visceral fat has dropped 2 levels (approximately 15%).
- 7.5kg drop in overall body weight.
- Metabolic age improved 6 years (has a younger body).
- The periodic photos of change have their own success.
- Coach Stephen
Here is Jessica’s story in her words:
“Before joining Terrific Fitness (TF), I had some bad habits such as I would spend much of time at home in Pyjamas, or as much as I could. Snacking between meals was often even though I thought it was healthy. I was not really aware of portion sizes, proper or more structured eating habits. White potato and hot chips had been a common feature in my eating and packaged treats and sweets were a comfort food. And there wasn’t much food preparation in the home either by me or my husband and take out and uber food was common.
Looking around the suburbs for something to make a difference, I was already engaged in a park group session and park run events on a weekly basis but I was looking for something to make a difference and to increase my knowledge in nutrition. I needed some advice on what changes to make to my eating habits. When I called TF about the 28 Day Challenge and spoke to one of the admin crew, they asked me for what I was looking for and advised me that Personal Training (PT) would be more beneficial in helping me with nutrition and lifestyle to help change my habits. I have been doing the PT side since I joined back in June of 2021 but since my park group sessions ceased I’ve joined the group sessions here too and its been a real challenge and a step up for my fitness.
What keeps me coming back to TF is the one-on-one interaction, my results through encouragement and progress, the admin staff are professional. My Personal Trainer, Coach Steve has been very informative. The PT and nutrition counsel keeps me accountable to myself and on track with my meals. I’ve gotten into the habit of sending pictures of my meals to my Coach and it’s help me with a routine of discipline and habit. Unlike my park group sessions, here the group classes have more flexible times, the people are good and the classes are challenging for me,… a hard workout to say it another way.
It’s been a gradual change, but I’ve stopped my snacking habits. And because I’ve learnt a lot about food and nutrition, I’ve become more knowledgeable about healthy food choices, portion sizes, balance of meat and vegetables and about what is bad food and what is fun food.
My best successes have been the fitting of my clothes from the progress I’ve made with the weight loss and shaping I’ve achieved. I’m really happy about my weekly weigh in results. I’m stopped the snacking of bad foods and I’m choosier with my food and I got my husband on board with better food choices too. I know there are differences because I have family and friends say I’ve changed my shape and lost weight.
I would recommend to anyone to join TF. They would benefit from the nutrition information that would help them. The people are approachable and the sharing of ideas on social media and within the community is great to hear and see.” – Jessica Parris