1. Skipping Meals:
Many people think that if they eat less, they will drop weight easier, so they skip meals to reduce calorie intake. This couldn’t be further from the truth! When you go too long without food and only eat once or twice a day, your body things there is a famine going on and that food is scarce. As such, it stores extra body fat as back-up fuel just incase food becomes even more scarce. So the reality is when you skip meals you gain more fat and weight, particularly around your waist. This is because the back-up fuel/fat that is stored is usually visceral fat, the dangerous fat around the abdomen.
2. Not drinking enough water:
Not drinking adequate amounts of water, you are unable to metabolize fat as easily. Furthermore, often people mistaken thirst for hunger and tend to eat when in actual fact their body just wants water. If this is you, you are consuming excess calories for nothing, increasing your fat and weight, when you should really just be drinking more water.
3. Not Getting Enough Sleep:
Your body burns the most fat at rest. If you are too busy trying to cram as much into your day as possible resulting in 6 or less hours sleep per night, you are not giving your body enough hours, in which to burn the most amount of fat. The most your sleep, the leaner you get!
4. Eating Food You are Intolerant to:
If you know you are intolerant or allergic to something, then deliberately making the choice to consume it anyway is a great way to sabotage your fat loss results! When you eat anything your body doesn’t like, you increasing the inflammation in your body. This results in the production of less muscle tissue and an increase in body fat. It seriously impacts your body composition results, not to mention, your health.
5. Not Being Active Enough:
Stored body fat is used as energy when you move. The more you move, the more energy aka fat, you burn! So if you are not being active every single day, in some way shape or form, you reduce your fat burning capacity. To maximize fat loss, complete at least 10,000 steps per day and be physically active for at least 30 minutes per day. This could be doing an exercise routine, gardening, house work, anything that gets your heart rate up to ‘huffy puffy’.
– Coach Terri